Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-022

di Daniele Bochicchio, in Microsoft Security Bulletin,

Rilasciato un nuovo bollettino di sicurezza.

MS02-022: Unchecked Buffer in MSN Chat Control Can Lead to Code Execution (Q321661)

Ecco in breve la descrizione (fonte: Microsoft Security Bulletin)

All customers using the Microsoft® MSN Chat control, which is available for direct download and ships with MSN Messenger and Exchange Instant Messenger.
Impatto: Run Code of Attacker's Choice
Livello di criticità: Critical

Ambiti di applicazione (in inglese):
Customers using MSN Chat should upgrade by visiting an MSN Chat site and downloading the new control. Customers using MSN Messenger and Exchange Instant Messenger should upgrade to the latest version.

Per maggiori informazioni e per scaricare le patch correlate: sito Microsoft


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